News about invoices and payment related to fuels supply.

Under circular No. 8 / E dated 30 April 2018 The Revenue Agency has provided some important discussion on mandatory invoicing as of 1 July 2018 which applies only to “Supplies of petrol and diesel to be used as fuel for automotive purposes”.

13/03/2018 – GNL – Protocol of collaboration

This 13 March the Associations Assoporti, Federchimica / Assogasliquidi, Assocostieri, Confitarma and Assarcatori have signed the protocol of collaboration in the presence of the Minister Graziano Delrio;    it relates to the use of LNG in Italian ports.

Padua Trade Fair 7-8-9 March 2018 – Green Logistics Expo

From 7 to 9 March 2018, the pavilions of the Padua trade fair are hosting the Green Logistics Expo 2018, the new International Exhibition of Sustainable Logistics. The event will be divided into 4 macro-sections: - Intermodality, Industrial Logistics and Real Estate,...

14/02/2018 – Milano 8-9-10-11 Ottobre 2018 -World Energy Week

From 8 to 11 October 2018 Milan is hosting the World Energy Week organized from WEC Italy. This high-level event will bring together numerous institutional and business personalities from around 100 countries belonging to the WEC network in order to discuss and...

13/11/2017 – National Energy Strategy (SEN) 2017

The Ministers Carlo Calenda (Economic Development) and Gian Luca Galletti (Environment and Protection of Land and Sea) have signed the decree on the new National Energy Strategy (SEN). Hereinafter: Full text of the National Energy Strategy 2017; Presentation

10-11/05/2017 – Conference GNL – ExpoGNL 2017

On 10-11 May 2017, with its Mostra D’Oltremare Naples is hosting the ConferenceGNL – ExpoGNL 2017, the dual event dedicated to the uses of LNG in the Mediterranean basin. For further information and for the programme of the event visit the following...