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It was held on 24 February 2016, the Conference of Assocostieri Servizi about celebration of its tenth anniversary in order to Argus Mediterranean Storage and Logistics Conference at the Crowne Plaza St. Peter’s in Rome.

The conference, entitled: “BUSINESS STRATEGIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL RISK – MANAGEMENT PROFILES – INSURANCE RISK AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY” it has enjoyed considerable success on the part of Members, thanks to the focus on important issues as significant like: Growth Collective, 231 Administrative Responsibility, Insurance Company in Environmental Protection field, Energy Efficiency improvement Security and Corporate Competitive Advantage.

In the field of Energy Logistics, prominent personalities attended and took part in the conference to discuss and take on these issues together, including, The participation of the Secretary of State for Justice, Dr. Cosimo Maria Ferri.

Mr. Francesco Gatteschi
Assocostieri’s President
Mr. Dario Soria
MD. Assocostieri Servizi
Dr. Cosimo Maria Ferri
Secretary of State for  Justice
Mr. Giovanni Faglia
Responsible Poolution Control
Mr. Andrea Chinellato
Electra Italia
BKW Group

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