Mineral Oils
Pursuant to Law No. 239 of August 23, 2004, “Reorganization of the energy sector, as well as delegation to the Government for the reorganization of existing provisions on energy” (the so-called Marzano Law), crude mineral oils, the residues of their distillations and all other species and qualities of derived and assimilated petroleum products, including liquefied petroleum gas (L.P.G.) and biodiesel, are included in the category of mineral oils.
The structure of the Italian oil market, like that of most European markets, is marked by different phases or stages involving the production process, the transportation and storage process, and finally, the commercial and distribution process. In particular, three macro systems can be distinguished:
- The refining system, which essentially carries out product processing/production activities;
- the logistics system, which includes product transportation and storage activities, divided between oil companies and private operators independent of oil companies;
- The system of wholesale (off-network) or retail sales of fuels (network) and petroleum products in general.
The structure of logistics is divided into coastal warehouses, suitable for receiving finished goods directly by sea, and warehouses located in ‘the interior of the country connected to rail links or operating as tax warehouses.
ASSOCOSTIERI, since its establishment, has always represented private operators in the logistics and energy market sector, who, in part, carry out storage and product handling service activities on behalf of principals who own the goods, and in part carry out marketing activities for their own products.
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