LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) is a natural by-product of crude oil and natural gas processing. It is characterized by high heat and energy yield and low environmental impact, is non-polluting to water and soil, and contributes significantly to the reduction of air pollution due to its low sulfur content.

Its uses range from domestic to industrial, agriculture to marine.

LPG is able to guarantee compared with other fuels:

  • Higher calorific value;
  • Less variation in yields as environmental factors change;
  • Greater stability of the composition.

LPG, thanks mainly to the ease of vaporization and the non-reactivity of the molecule, can achieve values that are undoubtedly classified as having minimal environmental impact and, for this reason, LD. n. 257/2016, transposing the DAFI Directive, identified it as an alternative fuel.

LPG carves out an important role for itself on the topic of autotraction and can rely on existing and established logistics nationwide.

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