LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) is a mixture of hydrocarbons (mainly methane and ethane) that also contains nitrogen and occasionally traces of other compounds (CO2, oxygen). It is a cryogenic liquid, that is, a fluid that has its boiling point at very low temperatures (for LNG we are at about -160°C). Therefore it is not kept liquid by the effect of pressure (as is the case with LPG, for example) but is stored and transported liquid at pressures slightly higher than atmospheric pressure (in rare cases and for small LNG carriers, pressures can reach 3-3.5 barg), with a reduction in its volume of about 600 times, and is kept cold by the liquid-vapor equilibrium established in the vessel/tank that contains it. LNG can thus be stored and transported long distances to consumer markets, where it is subsequently used in liquid form or regasified where necessary.

LNG, similar to LPG, is characterized by great versatility in areas of use and low environmental impact.

The use of LNG, as the fuel of the future, has been recognized at the national level with the SEN and at the European level with the DAFI Directive, which encourages the use of liquefied natural gas for transportation, whether by ship or road.

In order to comply with European regulations and make mobility sustainable in our country, ASSOCOSTIERI is committed to representing, accrediting and supporting the LNG storage, distribution and regasification sectors .

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